News – Natural disasters 2010

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 February, 2011 1 min read

Natural disasters 2010

More than 250,000 people died across the world in 2010 as a result of natural disasters.

A comprehensive report by Associated Press revealed that events from earthquakes to blizzards during 2010 killed more people worldwide than have been killed in terrorist attacks since 1970.

The biggest single event that caused the most deaths was the deadly earthquake in Haiti, when more than 220,000 people died. Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) said that Haiti’s sufferings were exacerbated by Hurricane Tomas; a cholera outbreak that killed an estimated 3,300 people and hospitalised more than 100,000; and political upheaval.

MAF has continued flying provisions, such as food, water and medical supplies to help combat the cholera outbreak. Dr Bill McAllister, chief executive at CBM UK, which has also been out in Haiti, said that generous donations from supporters had helped CBM bring aid to 70,000 survivors and provide 126,000 medical treatments.

In February, an earthquake more than 500 times stronger than the one that struck Haiti hit an area of Chile and caused 1000 deaths.

In the summer, one weather system caused oppressive heat in Russia and severe flooding in Pakistan that inundated 62,000 square miles and killed 17,000 people. Earthquakes also hit Turkey, China and Indonesia in one of the most active seismic years in decades; with further floods in China, Italy, India, Columbia, Australia, the Philippines and Chad.

World Health Organization statistics say flooding alone, outside of the one in Pakistan, killed 6,300 in 59 nations, while freezing weather across Europe caused many further deaths.

ET staff writer
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