News – Not ashamed

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 January, 2011 1 min read

Not Ashamed

Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, presented his leaflet ‘I’m not Ashamed’ at the House of Lords on 1 December, as part of the nationwide Not Ashamed campaign.

Lord Carey of Clifton, who sits in the chamber alongside many pro-gay activists and atheists, read from the leaflet in the House on the first day of the Not Ashamed campaign, which is being fronted by Christian Concern (formerly CCfON).

The leaflet, which has been designed to be handed out at Christmas, is just 6 pages in total and small enough to fit into a Christmas card.

It reads: ‘What many people don’t realise is that the Christian faith has enriched our nation in so many ways. Our laws, our democracy and our health, welfare and education provision all find their origin in Christian principles, while the influence of Christianity on our language, literature and culture has been enormous.

‘However, this rich legacy is under attack. The Christian faith is in danger of being stealthily and subtly brushed aside. This attempt to “air-brush” the Christian faith out of the picture is especially obvious as Christmas approaches’.

Lord Carey pointed out the growing power of secularism, and the use of anti-Christian laws to disenfranchise Christians in the UK. He also said, ‘But I am not ashamed of Jesus and his teaching. I am not ashamed of his promise to bring life, hope and freedom to individuals, communities and nations’.

At 2.00pm, a delegation of Christians from various groups, including politicians, academics and lawyers, presented a copy of Lord Carey’s leaflet to 10 Downing Street, along with details of why the campaign is being launched.

According to Christian Concern, the campaign has inspired 18-year-old singer-songwriter Josh Anderson to write a song called ‘We are not ashamed’, which Christian young people downloaded during the first week of December, hoping to get it into the charts – only 30,000 downloads are needed for new releases to enter the charts (

ET staff writer
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