News – Nurse persecuted

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
30 June, 2009 1 min read

Nurse persecuted

A nurse has been sacked after advising two pretend patients to find God, during a role play session on a training course. According to the Daily Telegraph, Anand Rao, who has been a nurse for 40 years, advised two women playing the roles of patients to turn to God.

He is now considering taking action for religious discrimination against Leicester NHS Trust, his former employer.

Mr Rao, a committed Christian who was born in India, said: ‘[The role play character] said that her doctor advised her that she would not live long and this created stress. I asked her whether she goes to church; she said “no”. I said that, if she went to church, the stress might be eased as I go to church for the same reason’.

In a letter to Mr Rao, his employers said: ‘This was in relation to a simulated session where you raised issues regarding your religious beliefs. These issues were deemed to be highly inappropriate by the course directors’.

Mr Rao’s case has been taken up by Christian Legal Centre.

ET staff writer
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