News – Offensive statue

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 January, 2009 1 min read

Offensive statue

A Christian woman has been denied the right to bring a private prosecution against the Baltic Flour Mills Visual Arts Trust in Newcastle upon Tyne, for displaying a highly offensive and blasphemous statue of Jesus. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) took over the case when they discovered Emily Mapfuwa was going to bring a private prosecution. However, having considered the case for over a month they have decided to drop it.

The CPS based their decision on the following: there was a sign outside the exhibition warning that the content of the artwork might be considered offensive, that a defence based on freedom of expression was likely to succeed, and that there was no public disorder.

Nevertheless, most Christians believe this was a highly controversial exhibition which caused deep offence to the Christian community and was offensive to many members of the general public.

Freedom of Expression under Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights is not unfettered but is subject to restrictions which include the protection of morals and the rights and freedoms of others.

ET staff writer
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