News – Prime time at Beccles

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 December, 2009 1 min read

Prime time at Beccles

The weekend of 19-20 September brought to a close 23 years of faithful ministry at Beccles Baptist Church of Rev. Roger Prime.

Under God’s guidance he was appointed to the pastorate in March 1986, at a time when the church was still suffering from divisions regarding the departure of the previous pastor.

With a steady but firm hand he steered the church to calmer waters, restoring unity. Pastor Prime’s work at Beccles has been blessed, and he has seen many baptised and welcomed into the church.

He hands the church onto his successor, Dr Derek Johnston, in a healthier condition than when he arrived. As part of the handover, a weekend of celebration was held by the church.

On the Saturday, the church had an afternoon of celebration led by one of the elders, Maurice Keatley. David Piper, Eastern Area Secretary of the Association of Grace Baptist Churches, and David Crome, a church deacon, gave addresses on Rev. Prime’s long ministry at Beccles. The guest speaker was Derek French of the Grace Baptist Association.

Pastor Prime and his wife Gill were presented with a pair of cane chairs – as they may now have the time to sit down in them! They also received a monetary gift as a token of deep appreciation felt by the church. A splendid buffet was provided after the proceedings.

Pastor Prime delivered his final sermon to the church on the Sunday, where he reminded the congregation that this was a time of great change for the church, but that ‘Jesus is the same yesterday and today and for ever’.

ET staff writer
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