News – Sri Lanka update

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
31 August, 2009 1 min read

Sri Lanka update

Pastor K. Muraleetharan wrote some weeks ago:

Although Sri Lanka’s civil war is over, we still observe some violence and threats, and abductions occurring here and there. People sometimes unaccountably disappear. Those who had links with Tamil militants are being taken to prison, including even high government officials.

The present violence is like showers that follow the monsoon rains! Please pray the showers will stop, that all the unrest will end.

Travel is easier, as there are less check points and roads are being rebuilt and repaired. The churches outside the refugee camps continue to help refugees in the camps, especially believers.

Today, I am leaving with my family to visit the camps for the third time; this time, to deliver Bibles and song books, and small musical instruments for their worship services, and some cash so that they can buy necessary goods in the camp shops.

Our brothers in Christ conduct Sunday services there and share the gospel. But in other camps, some 40-50 believers have not been able to hold worship services for the 4-5 months they have been displaced.

When will all the refugees be released? Only the Lord knows! Meanwhile, people who do not have any connection with militants and come from other districts are gradually being released to their respective districts in the eastern province.

ET staff writer
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