News – Wedding bells in Chile

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 December, 2010 1 min read

Wedding bells in Chile

Five of ‘los 33’ – the miners trapped underground for more than two months – are planning to tie the knot.

According to Associated Press (AP) reports, the five miners proposed to their girlfriends and wives during a special seaside party in the northern Chilean town of Caldera. One couple had been going out for 10 years.

Miner Claudio Yanez proposed to his girlfriend Cristina Nunez during the gathering – the first time all the miners had been together since their 69-day ordeal. According to AP, another couple decided to have a religious ceremony – miner Esteban Rojas and his wife of 25 years had previously only had a civil ceremony. However, during his subterranean ordeal, Mr Rojas (along with others who had experienced a spiritual awakening) vowed to keep his promise to marry before God, in a church.

He sent his proposal to the surface in a letter tucked into the plastic tube used to shuttle provisions, to keep the men alive until they were rescued. Speaking to AP, his wife Jessica Yanez said, ‘I accepted and I still have the letter to hold you to it!’

In other news, speaking at a public evangelistic rally hosted by Luis Palau, miner Jose Henriquez told attendees that 22 out of the 33 miners turned to Christ while waiting to be rescued.

ET staff writer
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