
OBITUARY: Dr Michael Griffiths (1928–2022)

OBITUARY: Dr Michael Griffiths (1928–2022)
Reuben Grace
03 April, 2022 2 min read

Dr Michael Griffiths, former leader of one of the largest Protestant missionary organisations and an inspirational speaker and author, died on 9 January at the age of 93.

A great enthusiast for the church and her global mission, Griffiths could always be relied on to challenge his audience to live out and share the good news of Jesus Christ.

He was born in Cardiff in 1928. A scholarship to Christ’s Hospital School in West Sussex followed, where Michael came to faith in 1942.

Michael read Natural Sciences at Cambridge and then spent two years studying Theology at Ridley Hall.

While Michael had a passion for student work, serving British Christian Unions for two years and later their Japanese counterparts with OMF, he was also a visionary leader.

He navigated OMF International through a challenging period. Becoming General Director in 1969 at 41, he was well placed to restructure it as it expanded to working in 11 countries across East Asia.

When Michael finished as General Director in 1980, the fellowship was made up of 900 workers from 22 countries.

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