
Plans to legalise abortion up to birth face votes in House of Commons

Plans to legalise abortion up to birth face votes in House of Commons
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
28 March, 2024 1 min read

Shocking plans to allow the abortion of viable babies up to the point of birth are set to be voted on in the House of Commons.

A vote is yet to take place on an amendment tabled by Labour MP Dame Diana Johnson.

Pro-life MPs spoke out against the proposal. Miriam Cates told the Mail on Sunday, ‘To make it lawful to end the life of a viable baby right up to the moment of birth for no other reason than it is not wanted is morally wrong.’

Her colleague Nick Fletcher agreed, saying, ‘Decriminalisation of abortion will no doubt end with abortions happening much later, even up until full term. This cannot be right in a civilised society.’

A spokesperson for Christian charity CARE said, ‘we are highly concerned that amending the Criminal Justice Bill in this way will remove legal safeguards for the unborn.

‘Abortion is not simply another medical procedure. It is a complex matter, which involves two lives, rather than just one, and both should be protected from harm.’

Meanwhile, a separate amendment to reduce the time limit for abortions has been tabled by a group of MPs.

Led by Tory MP Caroline Ansell, the amendment – which has been co-signed by 25 MPs, including two Labour MPs – would reduce the abortion time limit from 24 weeks to 22 weeks.

Ansell said, ‘The increase in survival rates for babies born at 22 and 23 weeks gestation is one of medical science’s great success stories in recent years.’

ET staff writer
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