Public rejects calls for abortion law changes

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
21 August, 2019 1 min read
Clare McCarthy SOURCE Right To Life UK

Britons do not want current legal safeguards around abortions to be removed, two separate polls have found.

The polls, from ComRes, revealed that proposals from abortion lobby groups for extreme changes to the abortion law in England and Wales are out of line with public opinion.

Some 72 percent of respondents think abortion should be governed by the law, while 67 percent agree criminal law plays an essential role in protecting patients against medical malpractice.

Proposed changes to the abortion law by the abortion lobby would seek to remove abortion from the supervision of doctors.

Furthermore, medical studies have shown taking abortion pills to procure a medical abortion comes with specific safety issues and higher complication rates than surgical abortions.

Clare McCarthy, spokesperson for Right To Life UK, said, ‘The abortion lobby’s proposals are wildly out of step with public opinion on this issue.

‘If the abortion lobby’s proposals were to become law, it would bring about one of the world’s most extreme abortion laws in the UK.

‘Such a radial change in the law is being pushed by a small minority of pro-abortion lobby groups but is unwanted by the rest of the UK’.

ET staff writer
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