Radical Discipleship

Radical Discipleship
Radical Discipleship
Conrad Pomeroy Conrad Pomeroy became the pastor of Trinity Baptist Church, Dundee in May 2001. He is now the pastor of Dudley Baptist Church in the West Midlands.
01 November, 2008 1 min read

About 15 years ago an earlier book by Roger Steer made a deep impression on my mind as a young Christian man; that book was Hudson Taylor, a man in Christ. This little paperback is, in a sense, a follow-up – in which principles gleaned from the life of Hudson Taylor are applied to Christian living today.

After an introduction which includes a brief summary of Taylor’s life, there are eight chapters, each focusing on a principle for living a radical Christian life. They can be summarised as: a passion for souls; vision for mission; knowing God; trusting God; holiness; prayer; being culturally in tune; and facing suffering.

The book is replete with both anecdotes and quotes. The author has introduced new material, including some substantial extracts from Taylor’s writings (which are helpfully marked off with grey background).

This is a great little book, both heart-warming and challenging. If you already know something of Hudson Taylor it will remind you of previous exposure and refresh you. If you know little, it will serve to whet your appetite. For the earnest Christian it cannot fail to provide a stimulus toward greater devotion to Christ.

Conrad Pomeroy became the pastor of Trinity Baptist Church, Dundee in May 2001. He is now the pastor of Dudley Baptist Church in the West Midlands.
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