Church news

Reformation and Revival conference held in Swannick

Reformation and Revival conference held in Swannick
Roger Hitchings
Roger Hitchings Roger Hitchings has pursued an itinerant ministry since his retirement. He regularly speaks and writes on old age and dementia, and is chair of the Reformation and Revival Fellowship.
03 April, 2022 2 min read

The Reformation and Revival conference was held last November in Swannick, Derbyshire. Speakers included Stuart Olyott, Jeremy Walker, Geoff Thomas, and Conrad Pomeroy.

‘We don’t need a way to the way,’ said Stuart Olyott. ‘Jesus Christ is the way. We have to ignore all the ‘Do this’ and ‘Do that’ and ‘Do the other’ that actually was the diet dished out in the synagogues. No. Christ is the way. Christ has done it all. Our redemption is all finished.

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