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Republic of Ireland: Critics fear hate crimes bill will have ‘chilling effect’ on free speech

Republic of Ireland: Critics fear hate crimes bill will have ‘chilling effect’ on free speech
Senator Rónán Mullen
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
05 August, 2023 1 min read

More Irish parliamentarians have spoken out against a proposed hate crime law in the Republic of Ireland, claiming if enacted in its current form, it will have a ‘chilling effect’ on free speech as people fear prosecution.

During a Seanad debate on the Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences) Bill 2022, Senators expressed fears that people would rather remain silent on ‘controversial’ issues than run the risk of prosecution.

Senator Michael McDowell called for the bill to be amended, branding it ‘a charter for freezing genuine free speech and preventing people from articulating unpopular views’.

Senator Rónán Mullen asked, ‘Will robust campaigning by parents against inappropriate school curricula be allowed?

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