Scottish Reformed Conference

Richard Buckley Richard Buckley is the minister of Trinity Possil and Henry Drummond Church in Glasgow. He trained in ministry under Alec Motyer and J. I. Packer at Trinity Theological College in Bristol and was
01 August, 2012 2 min read

Scottish Reformed Conference

The 23rd annual Scottish Reformed Conference (SRC) took place on the second Saturday of May, in Hamilton College.
   Large numbers of people, including many families with children of all ages, joined to enjoy a day of fellowship and three fine expositions from our two guest speakers.
   Steven Lawson is the senior pastor of Christ Fellowship Baptist Church in Mobile, Alabama. He was invited to preach twice on any passage that would be an encouragement to the cause of Christ here in Scotland.
   He was ‘burdened’ with two psalms. First, he preached from Psalm 93 and charged us to remember the sovereign rule of God.
   Mr Lawson urged upon us the necessity not only of knowing this doctrine but also of living in the light of its truth. In the middle of so many strong forces that seek to militate against the purposes of God, believers ought to engage in the spiritual battle that makes this a truth to lean on and that engenders peace and confidence in God in all circumstances.
   The second was Psalm 112. He considered what a godly life is. It is obedience to the Lord, true prosperity arising from business honesty and integrity in domestic life. Psalm 112 is the human response that matches divine truths taught in Psalm 111.


Iain Campbell from Lewis has become a ‘home-grown’, widely respected preacher and one deeply appreciated in the SRC. He took us to Genesis 43 and its interaction between Joseph and Judah.
   He pointed out that although Genesis 37 onwards seems to be ‘all about Joseph’ it is equally ‘all about Judah’ and the change God wrought in his heart. The effect of this observation on our understanding of Genesis was like turning a diamond and seeing a new glimpse of splendour.
   Genesis 43 is the examination of the heart of Judah and the evidence of the work of grace in him after the shame of Genesis 38 — his moral failure with Tamar. Judah was now willing to put his own life on the line for his brother Benjamin, unlike his earlier dealings, along with his brothers, with Joseph.
   But the exposition was not left there. Mr Campbell drew our minds forward to see Judah’s great descendant, Jesus, who actually did give up his life in redemption for his people.
   Mention was made during the conference of the energetic and thoughtful leadership of the conference and committee by David Carmichael. Despite his heavy commitment to pastoral ministry and many overseas conference engagements, he makes a huge contribution to the cause of Christ and Reformed doctrine in Scotland.
   The conference was also enriched by those who taught the children in the ways of God.
Richard Buckley

Richard Buckley is the minister of Trinity Possil and Henry Drummond Church in Glasgow. He trained in ministry under Alec Motyer and J. I. Packer at Trinity Theological College in Bristol and was
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