
Sermons and Addresses of George Smeaton

Sermons and Addresses of George Smeaton
David Pfeiffer
03 October, 2023 1 min read

Author: John W Keddie
Publisher: Banner Of Truth
328 pages
Purchase from: Banner of Truth (£13)

This beautifully produced book contains 13 chapters of George Smeaton’s sermons, addresses, and brief writings.

John W. Keddie provides a very helpful introduction and biographical sketch. He asserts that, along with William Cunningham, Smeaton was the outstanding Scottish Theologian of the 19th century.

Smeaton’s addresses are marked by clear doctrinal orthodoxy, deep understanding, gospel clarity, Christ-centredness, warm and earnest love to God, and judicious balance. One feels in very safe hands when reading Smeaton. He comforts us with the sufficiency of Christ while at the same time firing us to greater love to the Triune God. 

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