04 (April 2016)

The book that made your world — how the Bible created the soul of western civilization

The book that made your world — how the Bible created the soul of western civilization
Joseph Hewitt Joe Hewitt is a retired pastor, living in Holland-on-Sea.
31 March, 2016 1 min read

This learned Indian philosopher and Christian was unknown to me until recently. It was a surprise to discover this title with its glowing comments and reviews, so I ordered a copy. I was delighted to have read it and am keen to share its illuminating pages with all and sundry, especially young, thinking people.

The book comprises seven parts. These are headed, ‘The soul of Western civilisation — from Bach to Cobain’, ‘The seeds of Western civilisation’, ‘The millennium revolution’, ‘The intellectual revolution’, ‘What made the West the best’ and ‘Globalising modernity’.

What a great pity it is that the Beatles set a trend all those years ago by going to India to consult with gurus! Many followed them, embracing Hinduism and Buddhism in the process, and forsaking the living God and the Holy Bible.

Vishal and his wife Ruth became concerned for the poor in India, which still maintains a caste system. They set up farms, clinics and schools to educate the disadvantaged. They were following the example of the Lord Jesus Christ, who went about doing good — showing in human terms the character of the triune God by his unselfish love and compassion.

On the whole, our society lives for the body and denies the soul, neglecting the Bible. We are losing our one-time greatness. This book is a wake-up call. Churches need to preach the Bible as the supreme authority over our lives.

I wholeheartedly commend this book with its personal testimony and brilliant survey of our world, with its different religions, world views, ideas of virtue and social institutions.

Vishal has written eight other books tackling issues to do with the East. This one addresses the Western world. All of us — from top politicians to the ordinary man in the street — should ‘consider our ways’ (Haggai 1:5).

Joseph Hewitt


Joe Hewitt is a retired pastor, living in Holland-on-Sea.
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