Church news

The challenge of rural evangelism considered at Norfolk conference

The challenge of rural evangelism considered at Norfolk conference
Hugh Collier
Matthew Pickhaver
Matthew Pickhaver Matthew Pickhaver, an Associate Lecturer and Communications Manager with Biblical Creation Trust, holds a BSc in Zoology from University College London. He preaches regularly in Norfolk.
14 March, 2024 2 min read

New Testament local churches were defined by where their members lived. They are ‘the saints in Ephesus’ or ‘the saints in Philippi’. In our modern society that’s changed: many Christians now travel to worship some distance from home.

This is understandable if desiring a sound church or when family- or work-related circumstances might require it. But in most cases it involves attending large churches in cities or towns, leaving smaller towns and villages with little or no witness at all.

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