
Theodore Beza: Counsellor of the French Reformation 1519–1605

Theodore Beza: Counsellor of the French Reformation 1519–1605
Austin Walker
Austin Walker Austin is the retired pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church, Crawley. He is currently a member of Castlefields Church, Derby and an occasional preacher.
08 November, 2023 1 min read

Author: Henry Martyn Baird
Publisher: Banner of Truth
398 pages
Purchase from: Banner of Truth (£13.50)

Some will know that Beza was the successor to Calvin in Geneva. However, he was much more than that. Though only ten years younger than Calvin, he outlived him by just over forty years. In this volume, Henry Martyn Baird, writing over 120 years ago, vividly describes the career and the role Beza played in those crucial years as the Protestant cause struggled to survive severe opposition, which included the St Bartholomew’s Day massacre in 1572.

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