US: Chinese exiled pastor hounded out of his home

US: Chinese exiled pastor hounded out of his home
Bob Fu CREDIT China Aid
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
21 January, 2021 1 min read

Bob Fu, a renowned campaigner for Christian freedom in China, has received death threats and been hounded out of his home in Texas, USA.

According to China Aid, Mr Fu and his family had been ‘traumatised’ by bomb threats and protests, which continued for weeks outside his home. He has promised to continue with his work.

The campaign appears to be a pan-national one that seeks to target Chinese exiles in several countries.

Mr Fu said, ‘The goal is clear: it is to silence my voice for freedom in China and destroy the ministry of China Aid.

‘We cannot let them stop us. Freedom has a price and this is the price we are proud to pay for our faith and for freedom.’

ET staff writer
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