Welcome Hall Evangelical Church

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 October, 2012 1 min read

Welcome Hall Evangelical Church

On Saturday 1 September, over 250 people gathered for the induction of Jeremy Brooks as pastor of Welcome Hall Evangelical Church (WHEC), Bromsgrove, in Worcestershire.
   Pastor Brooks was previously Director of Ministry for the Protestant Truth Society (PTS), prior to which he pastored Salem Baptist Church, Ramsey. WHEC was planted over 70 years ago by Joseph Lewis, a travelling evangelist from Cardiff. His son Paul succeeded him as pastor, retiring in 2010 after 37 years’ ministry.
   Speaking on behalf of WHEC, Martin Wells (elder) explained that this past continuity left the church in some uncertainty how or where to seek a new pastor. He traced the Lord’s gracious providence in answering earnest prayer and directing the church to Jeremy Brooks, who since commencing work with PTS had been worshipping at Ebenezer Baptist Chapel, Old Hill, near Bromsgrove.
   Pastor Roland Burrows of Ebenezer testified to the tireless and devoted work of Jeremy and his wife Lydia as church members. Robert Cordle (Harrold) gave the charge to the pastor from 2 Corinthians 4:7, showing what a minister is (‘an earthen vessel’), what he has (‘treasure’) and what he needs (‘power from God’).
   Alun McNabb (Stafford), a faithful friend to WHEC over many years, used 1 John 4:19 to emphasise the love of the triune God to his church, and the need for us to love him and his people in response.
   Fine weather enabled the congregation to enjoy fellowship and tea afterwards, out of doors in the church grounds. WHEC enjoyed further blessing on the following Lord’s Day, when a good number of visitors from the locality responded to invitations and came to hear Mr Brooks preach the gospel.
   It concluded an encouraging weekend for the Welcome Hall Evangelical Church, for which all the glory is due to our God. The church looks to the Lord alone for future blessing.

ET staff writer
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