
What are we to make of Douglas Wilson’s Christian Nationalism?

What are we to make of Douglas Wilson’s Christian Nationalism?
Paul Smith
Paul Smith Paul Smith is full-time elder of Grace Baptist Church, Broadstairs, Kent. He is also a director and the book reviews editor for ET.
04 April, 2024 10 min read

Christian Nationalism is often spoken about but seldom defined. What does it mean?

A smear

We can’t avoid Christian Nationalism because the term is often used as a smear. Opponents of the gospel have been quick to apply it to meetings where politicians mix with those seeking to retain biblical standards in our law. To some, arguing for laws to protect the unborn or to uphold a biblical view of the family equates to Christian Nationalism.

A MAGA term

We can’t ignore Christian Nationalism because prominent Christians are embracing it. What are we to make of the American Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson? He has strong evangelical credentials as a Southern Baptist who has a decade-long association with Answers in Genesis as a lawyer, writer, and speaker.

He has also placed a flag outside his office linked to the troubling charismatic New Apostolic Reformation movement, for whom one aim is dominion over government. To some then, Christian Nationalism is a wing of a pro-Trump, anti-progressive movement that seeks to turn the clock back in America to a time of cultural Christianity.

A Reformed political theory

But we can’t dismiss Christian Nationalism because it is being promoted and discussed within Reformed evangelical churches. It seems best to get to grips with Christian Nationalism from those who embrace and promote the term with some serious arguments. Two of these are the Americans Stephen Wolfe and Douglas Wilson.

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