Who goes there?

Who goes there?
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 August, 1995 1 min read

Many church ‘open airs’ would love to be able to turn out such a fine gathering of smartly dressed, hymn-singing young people. Yet the gathering shown opposite, outside the National Maritime Museum in the Albert Dock complex in Liverpool, is not of young Christians but Mormons, recently arrived from the United States and undertaking a whistle-stop tour of key sights in their religious history. The museum houses an exhibition of the conditions experienced by early emigrants to the United States.

These Mormon missionaries are about to commence a period of witness in the UK. The party sang a hymn before leaving, much to the interest of passers-by.

Let us be aware that cult groups are active, well resourced and well presented. Nevertheless, their message will blind and deceive. As Christians we must work while it is day, for the night is coming when no man can work.

ET staff writer
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