Why Jesus?

Why Jesus?
Nathan Pomeroy
Nathan Pomeroy "I became the Pastor of Arnold Road Evangelical Church in 1999. I am thankful to God for bringing me here and for the love and encouragement of the Church.
30 April, 2017 1 min read

In this short book, John Blanchard gives six reasons why Jesus is unique and the only one through whom we can have a saving relationship with God.

‘Back to the future’: this section covers the Old Testament prophecies that are fulfilled in Jesus; nobody else has fulfilled these prophecies. ‘Family news’ highlights how Jesus was born of a virgin, which ‘marks Jesus out from the rest of the entire human race’.

‘Perfect ten’ affirms that though a gymnast in the Olympics may attain perfection in their field, morally speaking, no human ever achieves perfection. ‘Yet Jesus did — and the evidence is overwhelming’.

‘The voluntary victim’ records and explains the meaning of Jesus’ death on the cross; Jesus alone took the punishment for our sin. ‘Man alive’ outlines and defends the historical event of Jesus’ resurrection: ‘nobody else in human history has risen from the dead and is alive today.’

‘The invader’: in this section Blanchard explores how Jesus revealed himself to be more than a man. He was indeed God the Son; no one else in history has demonstrated themselves to be God.

The book concludes with two challenges: what do you think of Jesus and what will you do with him? We all know we are sinners and Jesus is returning to judge the world. We are encouraged to repent of our sin and put our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Those familiar with John Blanchard’s books (18 million in print) will know that he has a gift for clear communication and reasoned argument. He has a heart for ordinary people to come to Jesus for eternal life. He concludes the book with the words, ‘Why Jesus? Because you will meet him one day, either as your Judge or as your Saviour’.

Recommended as a short summary of why Jesus should be the one we live our lives for.

Nathan Pomeroy


Nathan Pomeroy
"I became the Pastor of Arnold Road Evangelical Church in 1999. I am thankful to God for bringing me here and for the love and encouragement of the Church.
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