07 (July 2017)

Journal of the Seminary of the Free Church of Scotland (Cont) Volume 2

Journal of the Seminary of the Free Church of Scotland (Cont) Volume 2
Paul Irving
25 June, 2017 1 min read

In producing this journal, the FCS (Continuing) has demonstrated the necessity and benefits of sound study articles as a means of nurturing a godly ministry. Such ministry is greatly needed today.

This volume has worthy articles on matters of interest to all, not just ministers. They range from Christological issues, like Christophanies in the Old Testament, to the mediation and offices of Christ. The style is largely formal and academic. It may have benefited from the use of more descriptive or imaginative skills.

For this reviewer, the most helpful contribution is by the journal’s editor, John Keddie. It is a powerful defence of the Westminster Confession. Keddie gives a lucid argument for how biblical doctrine and Christian practice are best shaped and guarded by such a confession.

This paper left me pondering, if the confessions, including the Three Forms of Unity, are so dynamic a tool for church and Christian growth, why are they underused in many churches today?

Other matters of doctrine are addressed in the journal, such as ‘Logos’ in John 1:1-5 and ‘Lord of the harvest’ in Matthew 9:38. The final article is a fine address given by George Smeaton (Professor of New Testament exegesis) to students at New College in 1872. His forceful message is still powerful and pertinent.

Although modest in scale, this journal deserves a wide readership. For further details about obtaining it, visit www.freechurchseminary.org

Paul Irving


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