
Commonly tolerated sins – marital apathy

Commonly tolerated sins – marital apathy
Revd Jason Helopoulos Senior pastor of University Reformed Church in East Lansing, Michigan.
29 December, 2023 2 min read

I’ve married dozens of Christian couples. All begin with great promise; not all continue with promise. Unfortunately, some of these marriages will not survive.

The great sin that tends to drive Christian marriages to dissolution is not what many assume. Seldom is adultery, addiction, or abuse the underlying cause of Christians pursuing divorce. And when they are, often they result from a much more subtle sin that took root beforehand – marital apathy.

A husband comes home from work, changes his clothes, sits on the couch, and spends the evening watching sports. He forgets or simply doesn’t care to love his wife ‘as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her’ (Ephesians 5:25). It requires too much.

A wife expends herself in the daily grind of dishes, nappies, and dirty clothes. Her marriage becomes an afterthought, another obligation. Escape is found on social media. She wants nothing more to do with honouring and submitting to her husband ‘as the church submits to Christ’ (Ephesians 5:24). It requires too much.

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