John Calvin
John Calvin (1509-1564) was born on 10 July in Noyon, Picardy, in north-eastern France. His parents, Gerard and Jeanne Cauvin, were described by a biographer as ‘widely respected and in comfortable circumstances’. Calvin’s father intended John to become a priest. In 1523, young Calvin went to Paris to study for a Bachelor of Arts degree which would eventually lead to the priesthood. But, in 1528, John’s life underwent a sudden change when his father instead sent him to Orleans to study law.

John Calvin and his relevance for today (2)

John Calvin and his relevance for today (1)

The Life of John Calvin

John Calvin – Man of God’s Word

John Calvin An appreciation by Erroll Hulse

A Guide to Christian Living

Sermons on Genesis: Chapters 1–11
John Calvin’s 500th anniversary in Belarus

John Calvin’s mission to France