04 (April 2017)

The Beauty and Glory of God’s Word

The Beauty and Glory of God’s Word
Stephen Holland Stephen has been the pastor of Westhoughton Evangelical Church in the north west of England since February 2003. He is also the north of England 'Wycliffe Preacher' for the Protestant Truth Society.
31 March, 2017 1 min read

‘Without the Word of God, we have no light. Christ is our light, and we cannot trust Christ apart from the Word of the Lord. Unless we are expositing a word from the Lord, no preacher has the authority to say anything about hell, heaven, or the way to escape the one and enter the other. When unbiblical traditions reign, the church enters into twilight and spiritual winter ensues’. So writes the editor, Joel Beeke.

This book is the substance of the 2015 Puritan Reformed Conference. Its message and theme — the Word of God — is of the utmost importance for a Christian. Much confusion abounds today concerning the Bible, which has always been the point of attack for the devil; and man, of himself, hates and despises the Word of the Lord.

Although we must not be surprised at this, we must never allow ourselves to take a back seat, refusing to defend its message and authority. While it is true that the Bible is its own authenticating authority, God has called his people and church to give a defence of that truth.

The book is neatly divided into three sections: the Bible as the written Word of God; the glorious properties of God’s Word, and the beautiful life of feeding on God’s Word. There are eight different contributors to this work, each bringing their own particular style and appeal. Yet they all express a high value for God’s Word, with clear and forthright contributions.

Beginning with a look at Psalm 19, ‘The wonder of the Word’, we are then taken through its authority, challenges, clarity, sufficiency and inspiration. We are encouraged to hold fast to the Word making us what we should be, exhorted to find our joy in the Word, and also to be doers of God’s Word.

In a day of much ignorance of Scripture, even among Bible-believing Christians, this work is highly commended.

Stephen Holland


Stephen has been the pastor of Westhoughton Evangelical Church in the north west of England since February 2003. He is also the north of England 'Wycliffe Preacher' for the Protestant Truth Society.
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