
The wonder of the Incarnation

The wonder of the Incarnation
Oliver Wyncoll Pastor of Providence Baptist Chapel, Bedford
21 December, 2023 3 min read

We don’t seem to wonder about anything much in the modern world. Life for many is repetitive, humdrum, and a seemingly endless number of daily horizontal comparisons.

Social media hasn’t helped in this respect as we are drawn to endless comparisons and the trivial. We think we have seen it all before. It was the Bible that said, ‘there is nothing new under the sun.’ Have we lost all sense of wonder and amazement?

Now is a good time to start to consider and wonder at the eternal Son of God and his appearance in time some 2,000 years ago. Maybe you have never stopped for long enough to think and to wonder at this time-defining, history-changing, and life-transforming truth.

To wonder means to have a feeling of amazement and admiration caused by something beautiful, remarkable, or unfamiliar. In the Bible, a shepherd called David was well-practised at pausing and looking upwards in wonder.  He once wrote, ‘the heavens declare the glory of God’.

There is remarkable evidence in the silent testimony of God’s handiwork all around us. Myriad wonders are there in creation. A glorious sunset speaks to us, a jagged mountain ridge humbles us, a brightly coloured butterfly rightly catches our eye, and the beauty of birdsong rings sweetly in the ear.

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