
Under God, Over the People: The calling & accountability of civil government

Under God, Over the People: The calling & accountability of civil government
Les Yates Leslie Yates is a member of Trinity Grace Church, Ramsbottom, Lancashire.
27 July, 2022 2 min read

Author: Oliver Allmand-Smith
Publisher: Broken Wharfe
130 pages
Purchase from: Broken Wharfe (£9.99)

Under God, Over the People is of immense value to anyone unsure of the relationship between civil authorities, with all their anomalies, and Christian faith and practice.

Much of the author’s work is based on the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith, applied and made relevant to the 21st century. Of course, the principle of the relationship of church and state has not changed. However, where this book excels is in clearing up much misunderstanding in the minds of many who are unsure of the demarcation line between the state’s authority and Christian liberty.

Christians need to know precisely where they stand and what they believe in their relationship to the civil law of the land: in other words, when to obey God rather than men.
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