GCU memories

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 June, 2011 1 min read

GCU memories

ET readers write:

It was lovely to read the ‘Chain of grace’ (April ET) about the work of the Girl Crusaders’ Union for 95 years.

I joined the Penarth class soon after it started at the age of 9, little realising then how the Lord would use my life in the work.

Converted at 13 at my first camp, I started teaching in the class at 19 — until last September (69 years later!) when the remaining girls went off to university. It has been such a privilege, blessing and real joy to belong to the GCU family.

Memories of many wonderful leaders’ conferences and camps, all organised by a dedicated HQ staff in London ,will never be forgotten. We can praise God for the opportunities of sharing the gospel and teaching the Bible with schoolgirls in Wales, and thank him for those who came to faith in Christ and trust him to work on in their lives.

Our motto from Ephesians 2:8 — ‘By grace … through faith’ — assures us of this.

Diane Crocker


What an excellent report that was in the April Evangelical Times — the story of GCU.

I have had connections with Girl Crusaders almost all of my life. I still have the Bible notebook I started to write whilst attending Upper Norwood Class in 1932. The last camp at which I had the privilege of being a leader was Torrington 2003.

It was such a joy to be able to take five of my great-nieces with me and to know that one had responded personally to the Lord. She is still going on with the Lord. More good news could be shared but I will close now.

Mildred Tringham


ET staff writer
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