
'No surprise that BBC TV dramas unfairly represent Christians' says ET Editor Mike Judge

'No surprise that BBC TV dramas unfairly represent Christians' says ET Editor Mike Judge
Mike Judge in interview with TWR
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
06 January, 2023 1 min read

A new report says the BBC is ‘warping modern Britain’ by allowing politically-correct storylines to be written into its TV dramas.

The report, produced by the Campaign for Common Sense, reviewed more than a year of the BBC’s output and concluded that the national broadcaster is presenting a version of Britain that few licence fee payers would recognise.

Christians often portrayed 'in a sloppy stereotyped way'.

Speaking to TWR Christian radio ET Editor Mike Judge said, 'it’s no surprise that Christians are not fairly represented. Most creative professionals who work in the media are young, urban and progressive in their ideological outlook.

'And therefore they often portray Christians – and especially evangelical Christians – in a sloppy stereotyped way.'

Asked whether Christians should be surprised, Mike explained that Jesus warns Christians in the Bible that unfair things will be said about believers. But nevertheless, Christians who pay the licence fee have every right to object when they are misrepresented by the BBC.

'Christians need to engage intelligently and winsomely, but without apologising for holding orthodox biblical beliefs,' added Mike.

ET staff writer
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