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Germany: Pro-life group’s right to pray upheld by top court, but government may change law

Germany: Pro-life group’s right to pray upheld by top court, but government may change law
Pavica Vojnović | ADF International
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
08 August, 2023 2 min read

Germany’s highest administrative court, the Federal Administrative Court (FAC) in Leipzig, has reaffirmed a pro-life group’s right to hold silent prayer gatherings outside abortion centres.

In 2022, as reported by ET at the time, a district court overturned a 2019 ban prohibiting members of ‘40 Days for Life’ from assembling for prayer within direct sight of Pforzheim’s Pro Familia abortion centre during its opening hours.

The city appealed, but the FAC has now decided in favour of Pavica Vojnović, leader of the Pforzheim pro-life group. She said the ruling was an answer to prayer.

It also comes at a crucial time after Lisa Paus, Germany’s federal minister for family affairs, revealed that the government planned to re-examine current abortion regulations and bring forward ‘legal measures’ to impose censorship zones outside abortion centres.

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