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Poland: Pro-life protection upheld by European Court of Human Rights

Poland: Pro-life protection upheld by European Court of Human Rights
European Court of Human Rights | ADF
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
15 August, 2023 2 min read

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has upheld Poland’s pro-life protection for unborn babies with disabilities.

According to a document from the ECHR, the case AM and Others v. Poland saw eight abortion advocates suing the Polish government, saying they had a right to abort unborn babies with foetal abnormalities.

The applicants claimed that, as women of child-bearing age, legal protections for unborn children with special needs or health conditions infringed on their ‘right to respect for family and private life’ as guaranteed in Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights.

The official court document said, ‘The applicants alleged in particular that, following amendments to the legislative framework in 2020, they have effectively been banned from having access to legal abortion in the case of foetal abnormalities.’

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